Have you seen the tweet going around the internet right now that jokes, "Did you ever really email someone during quarantine if you didn’t start it with, ‘Hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time’ "?  It’s the newest stock phrase being used in both personal and professional environments. There are many stock phrases that are applicable when writing emails, particularly professional ones. In part one of our Business French blog post series, we offered several examples of how to start and end correspondence by email or letter. In part two, we are offering translations of several stock professional phrases in French!

Please note that while the translations below are correct, we realize there are always multiple ways of saying a phrase - let us know your favorite!

Rather formal

I am writing to follow-up on….
Je vous écris pour faire suite à….

Could you look into this?
Pourriez-vous vous en occuper ?

Let me know if you have any questions!
Faites-le moi-savoir si vous avez des questions.

You will  find the document attached.
Vous trouverez le document ci-joint.
Le document est en pièce jointe (PJ à l’informel)

Rather informal

I’ll keep you updated.
Je vous tiens au courant.

I hope all is well.
J'espère que tout va bien.

What are your thoughts on this?
Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez ?

Sorry for the delay.
Je suis désolé(e) pour le retard.

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.
C'était un plaisir de vous rencontrer hier./ C'était un plaisir de faire votre connaissance hier.

Thank you for your quick reply!
Merci d’avoir répondu si vite !

Thank you for reaching out to me.
Merci de m’avoir contacté(e).

Natalie Collet

Former Membership Manager

From the Midwest, Natalie is a Francophile at heart. Her interest in French started when studying ballet and​ the language and culture entranced her through her student years.​ She became involved with the - Alliance - in the suburbs of Chicago after she spent an unforgettable year teaching English in a French high school near Bordeaux. She is happy to join the team in Boston and work with the members to provide them with unique opportunities​, ​quality programming​, and a community through French!

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