Today, kids are just as enamored of magazines as ever. Our Médiathèque has a number of great children's magazines to inspire, take a break from screen-time, or advance French language learning. These magazines are a great way for kids and teens to discover new ideas and stories along with special features, like mini-games and audiobooks. With ten magazines covering all ages and interests, there’s something for everyone!

Picoti (9 months – 3 years)
With its bright colors and sturdy pages, Picoti is the perfect first magazine for future readers. Each issue features stories and games to introduce little ones to the excitement of reading.
Pomme d’Api (3-7 years)
This magazine features Petit Ours Brun, always a favorite here at the Médiathèque! Pomme d’Api is full of stories, comics, and activities that kids at different reading levels will enjoy.
Les Belles Histoires (4-8 years)
Each issue of Les Belles Histoires features one grande histoire, with gorgeous full-page illustrations, as well as several shorter stories and an activity. An accompanying CD tells the grande histoire out loud, so kids can practice reading alone or listening comprehension - or both!
Mes premiers j’aime lire (6-7 years)
Combining short stories, poems, mini bandes dessinées, vocabulary cartoons, and more, this magazine has everything for the beginning reader. An audiobook on CD is included.
J’aime lire (7-10 years)
For readers ready to move on from Mes premiers j’aime lire, try J’aime lire! Like the younger version, each issue of J’aime Lire features stories, bandes dessinées, games, and an audio CD.
J’apprends à lire (6-8 years)
This magazine focuses on teaching fundamental reading skills. Kids practice comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling as they engage with the stories and activities in each issue.
Astrapi (7-11 years)
Astrapi is a magazine for curious and creative readers. Each issue is packed with stories, BDs, crafts, jokes, and more, all with a sense of silliness and fun!
Images doc (8-12 years)
If you’re a young history buff, Images doc is for you! This magazine is full of bandes dessinées about different times and places throughout history, from the Ice Age to World War II.
Okapi (10-15 years)
There’s a little bit of everything in the pages of Okapi. Whether you’re interested in science, art, current events, pop culture, or just getting through middle school - Okapi has it all!

Elizabeth Taft
Library Assistant
Elizabeth has a B.A. in French from Wellesley College and is studying Library and Information Science at Simmons University. During a year in Aix-en-Provence she hiked Mont Sainte-Victoire, volunteered at a short film festival, and attended France's largest book fair. Her work at the French Library combines her love of language and libraries.