Welcome to March, the mois de la francophonie, a global celebration of the diversity of those who speak French! While there are lots of events at the Center to help you celebrate the corners of the Francophone world, you can also celebrate at home in your kitchen! Below are a variety of recipes in English et en français to transport you around the world without ever leaving Boston.

Les recettes en français

Transportez-vous aux îles

Les boissons non-alcoolisés sont très à la mode actuellement.  Essayez celle-la de cuisineactuelle.fr si vous avez besoin de vacances exotiques mais vous n’avez pas encore acheté de billets d’avion !

Mangez épicé !

Un bon tajine de journaldesfemmes.fr vous emmène au Maroc

Qui n’aime pas le chocolat ?!

Vous aimez le chocolat ?  Les Français aussi !  Essayez cette recette de Marmiton pour votre prochaine fête.

Une recette pour la fin de semaine

Est-ce que vous avez raté notre soirée poutine au Centre?  Ou peut-être vous cherchez simplement des recettes québécoises?  Voici une recette classique du Québec de allrecipes.ca qui est simple à cuisiner et manger.

Recipes in English

Caribbean Cocktail

Liquor.com’s spin on the Caribbean Ti-Punch recipe we proposed last year.

Comté Fondue

The perfect Alpine comfort food from tasteoffrancemag.com.

Morning Sweet Treat or Afternoon Snack

TasteofFrancemag.com offers a recipe on a classic French treat, the madeleine, with a citrus twist.

A classic recipe from French-speaking West Africa

Enjoy this recipe for Kedjenou, a one-pot Ivorian dish from whats4eats.com.

What's your favorite recipe from the French-speaking world?

Natalie Collet

Former Membership Manager

From the Midwest, Natalie is a Francophile at heart. Her interest in French started when studying ballet and​ the language and culture entranced her through her student years.​ She became involved with the - Alliance - in the suburbs of Chicago after she spent an unforgettable year teaching English in a French high school near Bordeaux. She is happy to join the team in Boston and work with the members to provide them with unique opportunities​, ​quality programming​, and a community through French!

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