Tag: French
Exercising the Mind and Body
The FCC and Chloé Mizuta have been offering virtual barre classes en français since the start of the pandemic. Have you taken one of these popular classes yet?…
Read MoreBusiness French, Part 3, Les métiers
We’re back with our business series (here's part one and part two) and today we’re tackling occupations, notably those that are a little more advanced…
Read MoreÀ chaque mois ses dictons!
Pour maîtriser totalement une langue, il faut aussi en connaître sa culture et, notamment, ses dictons! La langue française regorge de dictons pour toutes les…
Read MoreMeet Liz Marjollet
We love our members! In fact, we love them so much that we want you to get to know them and share in our community.…
Read MoreCélébrons le printemps, jardinons en français!
Spring is here, and what better way to celebrate the sunny weather than by getting outside and doing a bit of gardening? Avez-vous la main…
Read MoreBe Ready for Your Next French Castle Visit!
Your next visit to a French castle is closer than what you would have expected! Our private virtual tour of Château de Compiègne is coming…
Read MoreVocabulary for French Film Watching: Silence, moteur, action !
Many of our members and guests remember our popular ciné-club in the Center’s ballroom, complete with film, discussion, and popcorn! In 2020 we adapted our…
Read MoreThanksgiving with a French Twist
Do I need to say it? Thanksgiving will be different this year- this year you are celebrating Thanksgiving with a French twist! While the holiday…
Read MoreLes turpitudes des francophones face à la prononciation anglaise
Il y a quelques semaines, ma collègue Natalie a écrit l’article: Adventures in French pronunciation. Elle mettait en lumière la difficulté pour les Américains de…
Read MoreOn parle des élections !
The US Presidential election is only weeks away and we’re sure you are discussing which candidate you will vote for and why with your family…
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