



About Alain Borer

Né à Luxeuil en 1949, Alain Borer est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs spécialistes de Rimbaud. Professeur à l’Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tours jusqu’en 2014 et depuis 2005 professeur de littérature française a l’USC, University of Southern California de Los Angeles, il est également poète (Pour l’amour du ciel, CD Radio France), romancier (Koba, Seuil, Prix Kessel), dramaturge (Icare & I don’t, Seuil, 2007, Prix Apollinaire), critique d’art (Villeglé l’anarchiviste, Gallimard 2019, Durer, Beuys, l’atelier contemporain, 2021), essayiste (De quel amour blessée, réflexions sur la langue française, Gallimard, 2014, Prix Mauriac et Grand Prix de l’Académie Française), et écrivain voyageur (Le ciel & la carte, carnet de voyage dans les mers du Sud à bord de la Boudeuse, Seuil, 2010, lauréat de 7 prix littéraires).

En 2005, il a reçu le prix Edouard Glissant pour l’ensemble de son œuvre.

About Oana Lauric

Oana Lauric is an American artist born in Bucharest Romania, where she got her Fine Arts Baccalaureate and started to study architecture. She then received her Architect degree in Paris France, which was her home for a decade. Oana worked as an architect for several years In France and then USA, before becoming a full-time professional artist painter. Today, her art studio is in Boston MA, in the Fenway Studios building.

While in Paris, she had become acquainted with Arthur Rimbaud’s surrealist poetry full of color, movement and symbols. When introduced to his unique and little-known life story, her interest turned into fascination. Deep, multidimensional, insolent and abundantly colorful, Rimbaud’s poetry and his mysteriously overlapping life story became Oana’s current obsession. There is for sure a self-identifying element to be found along this poet’s path, for her and all those on a life quest.

Over time, she focused more and more on the inner-universe explorations and its diverse re-shaping paths. A collaboration emerged with other experts in the French poet’s oeuvre, united by their love of art. In this context, Oana’s current goal is to create a coherent visual translation, an artist’s own reformulation of the alchemic amalgam born of colluding the verse and the life of Arthur Rimbaud, L’Homme aux Semelles de Vent.

Lauric is a Member of Copley Society of Art in Boston, MA.
Her work was extensively featured in American Art Collector Magazine, World Art News, L’Art du Milieu (Quasart magazine), Words & Images, Boston Globe, Portland Press Herald, Inner Tapestry etc.

About Victorien Coquery

Normalien, agrégé de lettres classiques, Victorien Coquery transmet sa passion de la littérature et du patrimoine culturel francophone aux élèves du Lycée International de Boston depuis 2018. Il anime également un café philosophique mensuel en français ainsi que des ateliers musicaux autour de la guitare et de l'accordéon.

Upcoming Events


Carnival: Madness, Art, and Spirituality

A Historical Journey Through European Traditions with Dr. Tiphaine Guillabert-Madinier

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Discover the rich history and cultural impact of carnival—from its roots as a 'festival of inversion' to its lasting influence on art, literature, and identity. Experience its evolution into the vibrant celebrations of today, and conclude the evening with a Mardi Gras-themed buffet, complete with drinks.

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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Join us for a special opportunity to attend a matinee of Art at the Lyric Stage, with an introduction by French Theater Project founder David Miller. After the performance, stay for an engaging Q&A with director Courtney O’Connor to explore the creative process behind this celebrated play.

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Monday, March 10, 2025

Do you enjoy traveling to France and other French-speaking places? If so, join us for Travel Club. This month we invite you to discover the sunny Montpellier and the surrounding region with local expert Stéphanie Checa.

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