Time Slots

Monday to Friday , 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

For members / For non-members

$400 / $450


About this Class

Our Intensive programs in full immersion are designed to help students grasp as many vocabularies, grammar and structure as possible, allowing them to be exposed to a variety of real-life circumstances involving listening comprehension, written comprehension, verbal and written production. Alors...Ready?Set?Go!

Previous experience in French is required.

Below are some of the notions that you will cover:
- l’accord des verbes pronominaux au passé composé
- le passé composé et l’imparfait
- le plus-que-parfait
- les adjectifs et pronoms indéfinis
- les pronoms relatifs simples : qui, que, où, dont
- les pronoms relatifs composés
- l’expression de l’opinion : indicatif et subjonctif
- la double pronominalisation
- le conditionnel passé
- le futur antérieur



I thoroughly enjoyed my class. My instructor was fun and enthusiastic. She planned a variety of activities so the concepts were presented in different ways which really helped me learn. She was patient with my pronunciation, but taught me in a way that only a true native speaker could. Can't wait for my next class!


The class really gave us a good foundation from which we learned to communicate in French.