Time Slots

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

For members / For non-members

$600 / $650


About this Class

Our core language classes will strengthen your French through speaking, writing and comprehension activities while providing insights into Francophone culture. Our teachers and curriculum use cutting-edge methods and resources to expand your skills and increase your confidence in French. With full immersion from day one and a communicative, task-based approach you'll gain a deeper understanding of the French language and Francophone world!

Required: A2-4 or equivalent. Prepare for CECR B1
Required textbook: Edito B1 2023 EDITION
In this course you will cover units 1 and 2; pp. 11 to 40.

Content you will cover in Unit 1: "Les uns et les autres"

Learn How To
Describe other people or fictional characters; talk about past events and memories; express one’s tastes; describe one’s friendship.

Using passé composé and imparfait together; using time indicators to express duration and specific moments in the past; le plus-que-parfait (1).

Society, Culture, and Vocabulary
Modern parenting; dating shows in Québec; friendship in Switzerland. Vocabulary: Family life; love; friendship.

Identifying stressed syllables and pronouncing stressed vowels.

Content you will cover in Unit 2:
"Vivre ensemble sur la Terre"

Learn How To
Respond to a problem and express one’s disagreement; express obligation and necessity; express one’s content and discontent; offer help and ask for help.

Phrasing questions according to register; using the subjunctive mood for necessity and obligation; expressing feelings with the infinitive and the subjunctive.

Society, Culture, and Vocabulary
Chivalry and feminism; teaching civic values to children in Senegal. Vocabulary: Living together and helping each other.

Identifying and pronouncing rhythmic groups in a sentence.



This course has been an absolutely immersive experience that has made me learn faster than ever. Also, the benefits of being a member are fantastic.


Back Bay
The classes are dynamic, interesting and challenging. I highly recommend the Alliance Française as the best place to learn French in Boston. Very happy with the resources the French Library has for all levels of French.