Time Slots

Monday to Friday, March 24 - 28, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

For members / For non-members

$400 / $450


About this Class

Our Intensive programs in full immersion are designed to help students grasp as many vocabularies, grammar and structure as possible, allowing them to be exposed to a variety of real-life circumstances involving listening comprehension, written comprehension, verbal and written production. Alors...Ready?Set?Go!

No previous experience in French is required as this week is FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS.

Notions that you will cover:
-la place des adjectifs
-le passé composé
-la comparaison
-les prépositions + villes et pays
-les prépositions de lieu
- les verbes et les verbes de position et de destination
-les verbes pronominaux
-l’article partitif
-l’obligation et l’interdiction
-l’impératif présent



I thoroughly enjoyed my class. My instructor was fun and enthusiastic. She planned a variety of activities so the concepts were presented in different ways which really helped me learn. She was patient with my pronunciation, but taught me in a way that only a true native speaker could. Can't wait for my next class!


The class really gave us a good foundation from which we learned to communicate in French.