Time Slots

Wednesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

For members



For non-members



Mondays & Wednesdays, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

For members / For non-members

$600 / $650


About this Class

Our core language classes will strengthen your French through speaking, writing and comprehension activities while providing insights into Francophone culture. Our teachers and curriculum use cutting-edge methods and resources to develop your skills and confidence in French. With full immersion from day one and a communicative, task-based approach you'll gain the knowledge you need to embrace the Francophone world!

Required: Beginner French 3 or equiv. Prepare for CECR A2

Required textbook: Édito A1
In this course you will cover Units 9 & 10 : p.129-155.
Level A1-3 required or equivalent. In preparation for CECR: A1.

Content you will cover in Unit 9:
Bonnes vacances !

Learn How To
  • Book a hotel room; Describe a city, a country; Describe a landscape; Express preference; Write a postcard.
  • Comparisons (moins/aussi/ plus + adjectif + que) ; Prepositions before the names of cities and countries; Past tense with to be (aller); Impersonal verbs in the imperfect tense (c’était, il y avait, il faisait)
Society and Culture
  • The French and vacations - paintings (Courbet, Cézanne, Monet, Morisot) - Martinique - postcard Smile in Marseille - work by Raoul Dufy - Calvi; Holidays in Brittany; Breton places, activities, sports, cuisine, words; The village of Mélin (Belgium)
  • Holidays: places, destinations, accommodation, booking, means of transport, activities; Nature: places, the flore, animals, activities.
  • Consonants [f] and [v]; Consonants [k] and [g].

Content you will cover in Unit 10:
Au travail !

Learn How To
  • Talk about your studies and university; Talk about your skills; Talk about your career plan; Talk about your job.
  • COD pronouns (me, m', te, t', nous, vous); Duration, continuation; Relative pronouns qui and que; Intensity.
Society and Culture
  • Student ambassador affiche (University of Toulouse) - Hexagone exhibition (photos) - "Je fi lme ma formation" competition; Studying and afterwards?; Presentation of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles); Careers of personalities in the arts and sports.
  • University, studies: campus, studies, people, disciplines; Business, professional life: working conditions and places, professions, tasks, communication tools, people.
  • Consonants [t] and [d]; Consonants [p] and [b].

A1 level review

Units 1-10



I thoroughly enjoyed my class. My instructor was fun and enthusiastic. She planned a variety of activities so the concepts were presented in different ways which really helped me learn. She was patient with my pronunciation, but taught me in a way that only a true native speaker could. Can't wait for my next class!


The class really gave us a good foundation from which we learned to communicate in French.