Fun with French Idiomatic Expressions, Part 2
If there’s one thing that France is famous for, it has to be the delicious food! The French are known for their baguettes, cheeses, wines,…
Read MoreStruggling to Translate Some English Words into French? Here's Why
Have you noticed that when you try to translate some of your English words there just doesn’t seem to be the "mot juste." Here is a list of words in English that don’t seem to have an exact French equivalent.
Read MoreBusiness French, Part 1- Salutations and Closings
In part 1 of our Business French series, we are providing you with several salutations and closings the French use when writing more formal letters and emails. Whether it’s a letter to a potential employer or an email cementing a partnership, these words and phrases will come in handy again and again!
Read MoreParlez Québecois !
New Englanders are lucky to have a Francophone region a quick plane or scenic car ride away. While many of us dream of visiting the…
Read MoreAbbreviation Adventures in French
LOL, YOLO, ILY, LMK- these are some of the abbreviations you may see in the US on social media or in text messages these days…
Read MoreFun with French Idiomatic Expressions
Has anyone ever told you they have the cockroach? Or that they drink like a hole? Idiomatic expressions can be funny to hear in another…
Read MorePutting an Accent on Success
Each year, the French Library raises funds through generous individual gifts and proceeds from our annual Tour de France Viticole Wine Dinner to support our…
Read MorePracticing French…Outside the Classroom
Many students ask about ways to improve their French while they aren't in class. As a student of the French Library, I too am always…
Read MoreWhy Learn French? (What you may not know about the language of love.)
Recently, I had dinner with a friend and her colleagues. As often happens during these kinds of get-togethers, the conversation turned towards work. After telling…
Read MoreFall Bucket List at the French Library
The New Year is long gone but a new season, full of new fun opportunities and activities, is upon us! Inspired by autumn’s arrival, I…
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