Arthur Rimbaud en quelques mots
Né en 1854 à Charleville-Mézières, dans les Ardennes, Rimbaud a commencé à écrire de la poésie à l’âge de 15 ans et a produit une…
Read MoreFrancophone love songs!
Love is all around! Can you feel it? To help you get in the perfect mood for Valentine's Day, Clémence has pulled together a list…
Read MoreFour theaters within the Paris metropolitan area to explore like a local on your next trip
Before relocating to the Boston area, I lived in Paris for 7 years, in the 10th arrondissement. During that time I dedicated myself to one…
Read MoreHoliday vocabulary to celebrate the end of the year en français!
It’s not breaking news but the holiday season is already here! We celebrated Thanksgiving and soon we will be in the midst of all the…
Read MoreThanksgiving with a French Twist
Thanksgiving is coming and even if the French don’t celebrate it, it does not mean that you can’t sprinkle a little French magic on your…
Read MoreDédié à l’étrangeté: The Works of Edward Gorey
The waning days of autumn are a terrific time to visit the realm of the eerie, the imaginative, and the surreal, and this week I’d…
Read MoreFall In love #part 2
I love New England all year long but I have to admit that I have a coup de coeur for the fall season. What is…
Read MoreThe FCC Staff's Favorite summer songs
Summer is definitely here and at the Center we wanted to share with you our favorite summer songs. We hope you will enjoy them as…
Read MoreFrench Idioms You Can Use This Summer
I feel that the hardest part of learning a new language is learning its idiomatic expressions. They can change from region to region, family to…
Read MoreLa Fête de la Musique
Each year on June 21, many countries throughout the world celebrate la Fête de la musique. This world-wide celebration urges people to play and enjoy…
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