Le feuillageLeaf
Une feuillePine cone
Une pomme de pinForest
La forêtTrees
Les arbresAcorn
Un glandSquirrel
Un écureuilFox
Un renardTo stock
Faire des réservesHarvest
La récolteOrchard
Un vergerGourd
Une courgePumpkin
Une citrouilleTo carve pumpkins
Sculpter des citrouillesCider donuts
Des beignets au cidreHazelnuts
Des noisettesWalnuts
Des noixCinnamon
Des champignonsUmbrella
Un parapluieScarf
Une écharpeHot chocolate
Un chocolat chaudApple picking
Cueillette de pommesHike
Une randonnéeTrail
Un sentierHiking shoes
Des chaussures de randonnéeMaze
Un labyrintheWhat’s your favorite activity to do during the fall?

Clémence Bary-Boloré
Cultural Programs Manager / Office Manager
Clémence has a Master’s degree in Cultural Projects Management. She worked in Paris for several years for theater companies. She likes discovering new cultures, people and places, which is why she crossed the ocean to start a new experience in Boston. She is glad to be part of the French Library to promote French culture and language. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, hiking, kayaking and all forms of art!