1. If you like cornbread, try Comté Jalapeno Cornbread.
2. If you like cranberry sauce, try Cranberry Sauce with Red Wine and Figs.
3. If you like green bean casserole, try a velouté de haricots verts.
4. If you like apple pie, try a tarte normande aux pommes et aux amandes.
5. If you like a crusty dinner roll (and started baking bread in the pandemic!), try an Auvergne Rye Loaf.
6. If you like gravy, try Ina Garten’s recipe with a little bit of Cognac!
Cognac, a brandy only made in the town of Cognac in France, is the special ingredient in this creamy turkey-topping favorite. The recipe also calls for white wine so you might as well officially declare this gravy French!
7. If you like roasted butternut squash, try a soufflé au potiron.
This recipe from Marmiton sounds both decadent and full of nutrients, grâce au potiron. Soufflés, baked dishes said to have originated in France in the early 18th century, are not for the faint of heart. Prepare this recipe if you are ready for a bit of a challenge (here are some tips on how to make a great soufflé). The name “soufflé” comes from the verb “souffler” which means “to blow” or “to breathe out”. Be ready to wow your guests when you can make something as sturdy as a pumpkin as light as the air we breathe!
There you have it- a few ways to add a French twist to your Thanksgiving menu. Let us know if you tried any of these recipes above or created something of your own!
Natalie Collet
Former Membership Manager
From the Midwest, Natalie is a Francophile at heart. Her interest in French started when studying ballet and the language and culture entranced her through her student years. She became involved with the - Alliance - in the suburbs of Chicago after she spent an unforgettable year teaching English in a French high school near Bordeaux. She is happy to join the team in Boston and work with the members to provide them with unique opportunities, quality programming, and a community through French!