Need something sweet to brighten up your days? A French dessert just might do the trick! Check out the below recipes to make
en français ou en anglais. Your tastebuds and improved mood will thank you.
Recipes in English

You’ll love these little treats that you can fill with sweet (or savory!) fillings from

To bring a little summer to these cold months, try this easy clafoutis (a popular flan-like dessert filled with fruits, such as berries or cherries) recipe from

If you haven’t yet celebrated La Chandeleur, try this decadent crêpe cake from

This twist on regular chocolate mousse from sounds divine….and fairly easy!
Recipes in French

Pour rester dans l'esprit Saint-Valentin, essayez ces sablés en forme du cœur de

Prêt pour un défi ? Cette recette de gâteau constitué de deux ou trois disques de pâte meringuée aux amandes, séparés par des couches de crème au beurre, de vous attend !

Qui a dit que les français n’aiment pas le beurre de cacahuète ?! Pas !

Tu as des œufs, du lait, et du sucre ? Tu peux faire une île-flottante ce soir ! Découvrez cette recette de
What’s your favorite French dessert?
From the Midwest, Natalie is a Francophile at heart. Her interest in French started when studying ballet and the language and culture entranced her through her student years. She became involved with the - Alliance - in the suburbs of Chicago after she spent an unforgettable year teaching English in a French high school near Bordeaux. She is happy to join the team in Boston and work with the members to provide them with unique opportunities, quality programming, and a community through French!